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Periodontology is a specialty in dentistry that is concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease.
A wide range of treatments, such as scaling and root planning (in which the infected surface of the root is cleaned) or root surface debridement (in which damaged tissue is removed). Severe gum problems are treated using a range of surgical procedures. In addition, Periodontists are specially trained in the placement and repair of dental implants.
The department of Periodontics guides/ trains and provides clinical experience in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of periodontal diseases. Experienced faculty conducts programs for the undergraduate students.
The Concern of this specialty towards the students is to

  • Provide the undergraduate student with a strong theoretical and clinical foundation in the field of periodontology for their future careers in dentistry.
  • To create awareness regarding oral health in the population by conducting community outreach programs like screening camps, oral health education programs, providing oral health care services to the needy at no cost and organizing oral hygiene day celebration related activities, etc.